The Citizens Crime Prevention Committee members of Deer Lake,NL.CA. says.

The Deer Lake Citizens Crime Prevention Committee
has been in existence for approximately 10 years now and since then we have been trying to answer questions, or analyze
answers to questions ,that have been asked for years." Why do people want to steal what others have worked so hard to aquire
honestly? Why do certain individuals feel a need to bully their way through life? Why do certain people want to destroy beautification
projects in a municipality? The answers to these questions have been answered, somewhat, by psychiatrists and data derived
from years of case histories from law enforcement agencies. We have been provided with the reasons that most of these
criminal acts occur and our existence stems from a need to offer law enforcement agencies much needed assistance in educating
the public, not from our expertise or experience in any particular matter, but by offering another avenue in which to channel
information to young people about the need to be their own person and not be easily led by a few who are looking for an easy
life, at that persons expense, and ultimately leading them down a road of destruction where
the return path could take a lifetime.
Neighbourhood Watch Program. The Deer Lake Crime Prevention
Committee has done its part in organizing the Neighbourhood Watch Program in Deer Lake. All
the leg work has been done, which entailed distributing information packages to (at the time) every household in Deer Lake.
Neighbourhood Watch signs have been placed around town and more have to be placed later. We hope that the signs alone
will be a deterrent to crime in some way. All block captains have been contacted and put in place. As a Community Minded
Group, we have given the town`s citizens a starting point to help protect their property. It`s
your investment and if you also look after your neigbours property I`m sure the favour would be returned. This program
is not going to eradicate crime from our midst but it will give law enforcement officials badly needed eyes and ears to aid
in their relentless fight against crime. YOU, THE PUBLIC, ARE "THE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH" ! ONLY YOU CAN MAKE IT
Tammy Curtis, Gus Adams & Clara Cluett at Xavier junior High |

High School Internet Safety Presentation |

Members of the Deer Lake Crime Prevention Committee and the RCMP gave a "power
point" presentation (Internet Safety) to high school students in Deer Lake recently. Pictured from left to right are:
Ft: Students Scott Rubia, Joshua Eastan, Edward Hayden and CP vice-pres. William
Bk: Students Justin Parsons, James Halfyard, RCMP cst. Guy Dimitroff and CP
pres. Gus Adams.